Waxman candles is located on 3044 North Lincoln Ave. This is their second location, the first being the original store in Lawrence, Kansas. "Waxman" is the owner of the store and he has been creating candles for over 30 years. They specialize in handmade scented candles of various styles and sizes.
There are many different types of candles made at Waxman. Some are simply poured into molds and allowed to harden while others require multiple layers of wax dipping and hand manipulation. The candlemaking process itself is an interesting blend of science and art involving the use of formulas and precise measurements as well as artistic techniques. Each candle starts with a scent and color and is then mixed with hot wax. From there it is poured into a mold and allowed to harden with the wick in the middle. At this point the basic candles are taken out of the mold and are ready for sale. Some of the more custom-made candles require multiple dips in hot colored wax and then careful and precise carving with an exacto knife. Taper candles are formed on a metal cylindrical grid that require multiple dips in a wax vat. After each round of dipping, the wax covered metal cylinders are hung on chains to dry. These cycles of dipping and drying allow the candles to slowly accumulate new layers and give them their trademark "taper" look. Eventually when they are finished they can be sold as is or they can be reheated and hand plied into a variety of shapes including spirals and twists.
Candlemaking is a very interesting process requiring a broad base of knowledge and experience in the behavior and manipulation of wax. The good people at Waxman have mastered this craft and create highly unique scent blends and beautiful candles. Whether you are looking for a simple votive or something more complex like a cinnamon bun shaped candle, Waxman is the place to go.
I'd like to thank Jonny, the head candle maker, for the access to the shop and for showing me how to make all the different candles.
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Beautiful Pics
Thank you sir.
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