Monday, June 28, 2010

RibFest 2010

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As another weekend passes another Chicago Street Festival happens. This year marks the 12th anniversary of Northcenter's Ribfest. Close to 50,000 people take over Lincoln ave just north of Irving Park. Almost 65,000 lbs of delicious smoky ribs are served in the competition for the vaunted title of best ribs of ribfest. The ribs shown in the above photo are from Corner 41 and they are phenomenal. Those Darlins put on a high energy performance chock full of some good old downhome southern folksy punk rock stylings. If you are a carnivore and enjoy ribs you should go.

Click here to see more photos.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

My friend's Attic

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My friends just moved into the neighborhood. They have an awesome creepy attic. These are some random things that were left behind by the previous tenants. The newspapers dated January 30th, 1971.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

2010 MaiFest

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Summer in Chicago means a festival almost every weekend, replete with music, food, street drinking dancing and entertainment. MaiFest is a celebration of Lincoln Square's German heritage supplying the revelers with giant beer steins, bratwurst and sauerkraut, traditional Lederhosen, and German polka music aplenty. Jesse White Tumblers also made an appearance and enthralled the crowd with their high velocity acrobatics and infectious energy. The man himself, Jesse White, was also on hand to remind the crowd to stay out of the tumblers way or else he might just have to suspend your license. He also took part in the action by doing a headstand while the Tumblers jumped through his legs.  All in all another great Chicago tradition; the streetfest, pulled off brilliantly.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Jose's Kicks

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I ran into Jose outside of Nuevo Leon yesterday. If you're looking for a pair of shoes that look alot like Jordans but only cost $20 you can find him in Pilsen on 18th st just west of Laflin. He's also got Blackhawks shirts for sale and soon he'll be carrying womens sandals. And if you go to Nuevo Leon I recommend the tacos de sabinas.